In accordance with Section 23 of Ontario Regulation 697/21, a Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan has been prepared. The Plan outlines the following:
- Identified areas where the Bradford Bypass Project may directly or indirectly affect groundwater
- A groundwater monitoring program for the identified areas
- A description of the locations and parameters for the monitoring of groundwater quality and quantity
- Proposed start date and frequency of groundwater monitoring; and
- A well water survey with plans to collect appropriate water quality and quantity information.
The Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan is now available here:
- Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan Letter
- Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan
Review and Comment on the Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan
The Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan was available for review from March 24, 2023 to April 14, 2023.
In accordance with Ontario Regulation 697/21, comments provided on the Draft Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan will be considered and the Final Groundwater Protection and Well Monitoring Plan will be published on the Project Website upon completion of the consultation period (
We thank you for your participation and interest in the Preliminary Design and project-specific assessment of environmental impacts for the Bradford Bypass project and look forward to your involvement.