Environmental Protection and Mitigation Measures
Environmental assessments and the development of mitigation measures is an iterative and collaborative process. The Ministry will undertake the environmental assessment in accordance with the Ministry Class Environmental Assessment for Transportation Facilities for a Group ‘A’ project. Protection and mitigation measures will be implemented where practical and in consideration of the evaluation criteria. The intent is to balance the technical and environmental constraints for the proposed design refinements and alternatives. The following outline the proposed protection and mitigation measures to be reviewed and evaluated through the consultation and engagement with regulatory agencies during the study for each environmental consideration. These are generally developed from and reflect the Ministry Class Environmental Assessment and the 2002 approved Environmental Assessment mitigations measures and commitments.
Terrestrial Ecosystem
(Species at Risk, Areas of Natural Significance and Importance, wetlands, woodlots, deer wintering areas)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Destruction of wildlife Habitat, Barrier effect on travel corridors and, Wildlife-Vehicle accidents.
Terrestrial Ecosystem
(Species at Risk, Areas of Natural Significance and Importance, wetlands, woodlots, deer wintering areas)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Severance of/encroachment on identified upland ecosystems; and Severance of/encroachment on identified aquatic/wetland ecosystems.
Terrestrial Ecosystem
(Species at Risk, Areas of Natural Significance and Importance, wetlands, woodlots, deer wintering areas)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Effects on ANSI’s, ESA’s, Provincially significant Wetlands, Provincially rare species; Effects on cultural/heritage, social/economic landscape features; Effects on woodlands resources; and, Effects on traffic safety.
Terrestrial Ecosystem
(Species at Risk, Areas of Natural Significance and Importance, wetlands, woodlots, deer wintering areas), Land Use and Community Effects
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Severance of Greenway or Linkage
Terrestrial Ecosystem
(Species at Risk, Areas of Natural Significance and Importance, wetlands, woodlots, deer wintering areas) & Agricultural Lands
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Loss of soils excess soils.
Terrestrial Ecosystem
Landscaping & Air Quality
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Noise, dust, spray, air quality.
Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat
(Species at Risk, Specialized Habitat) and fluvial geomorphology
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Direct Loss of Aquatic Habitat; Changes to water quality and quantity; and, Inhibit fish passage.
(Highly Vulnerable Aquifers, Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas, Wellhead Protection Areas, water wells)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Increased pollutants to groundwater recharge areas; Increased/Decreased runoff (water quantity) to groundwater recharge areas; Potential impacts to well water levels and quality due to the proposed design.
Surface Water
(Drainage, fluvial geomorphology, watercourses/waterbodies)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Potential increase in upstream/downstream flood levels and erosion at watercourses; Potential increase of pollutants to receiving watercourses (increase imperviousness) – water quality; Potential increase in surface erosion to receiving watercourses.
Air Quality
(Greenhouse gases, traffic emissions) and Human Health
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Potential effect of long-term exposure, if exceedances of current air quality standards related to: health impacts; plant and crop damage; property deterioration/cleanliness.
Erosion and Sediment Control, Surface Water
(Drainage, fluvial geomorphology, watercourses/waterbodies), Fish and Fish Habitat and Landscaping
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Erosion and sedimentation; and, Erosion and sedimentation in watercourses.
Aesthetics, Landscaping, Community Effects and Human Health
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Effects on visual landscape and scenic resources available to motorists (views from the road); Effects on adjacent dwellers sensitive to views of the facility; Effects on passive recreation potential of scenic/natural adjacent sites e.g. river valley systems.
(Construction noise, traffic noise) and Human Health
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Increased Highway noise levels.
Community Effects
(Agricultural, industrial, residential, commercial)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Loss of homes; Impacts to property; Loss of recreation/community facilities; Permanently removing existing driveway/business access.
Community Effects
(Agricultural, industrial, residential, commercial)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Disrupting character of area; Permanently closing pedestrian/bicycle accesses; Permanently closing driveway/business accesses; Potential impacts on public transit routes; Potential impacts on emergency response routes; Disruption of community infrastructure/services.
Community Effects
(Agricultural, industrial, residential, commercial)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Loss of businesses; Impacts to property; Permanently removing existing entrance/exit.
Agricultural Lands
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Loss of specialty crop lands and class 1,2,3 agricultural soils, permanently removing existing access, Impacts to property.
Land Use
(Designated Areas, Policy Areas)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Reduced ability to proceed with approved private developments; and, Higher intensity of land use than previously existed.
(Areas of medium or high potential contamination)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Encroachment upon waste disposal sites and contaminated property; Contamination of ground water and surface waters; Contamination of R-O-W from waste disposal sites or contaminated properties; Release of asbestos or lead into the air/environment; and, Generation of excess concrete; asphalt or natural wood from the Right-of-Way.
Archaeological Resources and Built Heritage
(Built Heritage Resources, Cultural Heritage Landscapes)
Protection and Mitigation Strategies related to: Loss of archaeological resources; Loss of heritage structures/resources; Deterioration of sites or structures having archaeological or heritage value as a result of environmental changes.
Overview of Environmental Assessment Studies
The following environmental discipline studies will be carried out during the current Preliminary Design and Class EA Study:
- Agricultural Impact Assessment
- Air Quality Impact Assessment
- Cultural Heritage Assessment
- Erosion and Sediment Control Risk Assessment
- Groundwater Impact Assessment
- Land Use and Property Impact Assessment
- Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment
- Preliminary Landscape Composition Plan
- Snowdrift Assessment
- Waste and Excess Materials Management Plan
Studies initiated in 2020:
- Archaeological Assessment (Stages 2, 3 and 4)
- Drainage and Hydrology
- Fish and Fish Habitat Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment
- Fluvial Geomorphology
- Terrestrial Ecosystems Existing Conditions and Impact Assessment
A Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR)
- A TESR will be prepared in accordance with the MTO Class EA to document the design and environmental process, as well as potential environmental impacts and mitigations.
- The TESR will be made available for public and agency review for a period of 30 days at the end of this study.