Base Case from 2002 Approved EA Alignment
Refinement Alternative 1 – Parclo A2
- Consists of two on-ramps and one off-ramp to and from the west.
- Traffic signals at the end of two off-ramps (if warranted).
- Bradford Bypass over the Leslie Street bridge.
- Property footprint is beyond the 2002 Approved EA Right-of-Way. Property impacts in the northeast quadrants. Footprint may be further impacted by the alignment refinement alternatives to avoid hydro towers west of Leslie Street.
Key Considerations
- Built Heritage (one listed Cultural Heritage Landscape).
- Fish and Fish Habitat.
- Groundwater (domestic water wells).
- Land Use (Greenbelt, Whitebelt, Protected Countryside).
- Surface Water (drainage, multiple warm water watercourse).
- Terrestrial Ecosystems (Species at Risk, unevaluated wetlands).
Transportation & Engineering
- Interchange configurations.
- Traffic operations based on demand, weaving, and level of service.
- Complexities in traffic staging, constructability and utility relocation.
- Structural / grading considerations.
Property Impacts
- Interchange footprint linked to mainline hydro utility refinement alternatives.