Parclo A4 (2002 Approved EA Alignment)
- Consists of two direct on-ramps, two loop ramps and two direct off-ramps.
- Traffic signals at the end of two off-ramps.
- County Road 4 bridge over the Bradford Bypass.
- The interchange requires a large property footprint; however, it is contained within the 2002 Approved EA Right-of-Way.
- Design Considerations for the County Road 4 Widening Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) currently being undertaken by Simcoe County. County Road 4 to be widened to 4 lanes, with additional ramp lanes on the bridge.
- No alternatives are proposed at this location.
Key Considerations
- Archaeological Resources.
- Built Heritage (two potential Built Heritage Resources).
- Groundwater (Highly Vulnerable Aquifers).
- Land Use (Greenlands, Holland Marsh Specialty Area, Settlement Area, Special Policy Area).
- Terrestrial Ecosystems (Species at Risk, woodlots).
Transportation & Engineering
- Traffic operations based on demand and level of service.
- Complexities in traffic staging, constructability and utility relocation.
Property Impacts
- Interchange is within footprint of the 2002 Approved EA.
Adjacent Projects
- County Road 4 Widening Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) currently being undertaken by Simcoe County.